
多方向・多国間 C O I L / V i r t u a l E x c h a n g e
Japan-Multilateral COIL/VE Project
多方向・多国間 COIL/Virtual Exchange型教育 プロジェクト
Crossing institutional boundaries through COIL/Virtual Exchange for
university lecturers and students in Japan and abroad
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
COIL is one method of Virtual Exchange, more closely tied to a pre-existing course in a university curriculum. So, if you are a student, one of your courses may have decided to collaborate with a course overseas to give you a chance to work together in a virtual international group. That's COIL. In the COIL model, as described by SUNY (State University of New York), students from different countries enroll in shared courses with faculty members from each country, by co-teaching and managing coursework.
COIL courses may be conducted fully remote (online), or may be offered in blended formats with traditional face-to-face sessions taking place at both schools, while collaborative student work takes place online.

本 プロジェクトは、国内外の大学機関それぞれが持つ既存科目同士が一定期間共修する、いわゆるスタンダードな COIL型の科目ではなく Japan Virtual Campus および本 プロジェクトに賛同し参加する複数の大学が、共同で遂行する COILプログラムです。
これをJ-MCP(Japan Multilateral COIL/V E Project) と呼び、「 SDGs in Business」 「 Diversity &
Inclusion」 「 21st Century Skills」等の 分野下の 履修科目を 「 JMCP科目」 として設置しています。その基盤となる シラバス(講義テーマ及び授業計画 ) 、 教育素材 、オンラインで実施する上で必要なプラットフォーム (以下「 CMS/コース管理システム 」 )を、本 プロジェクト幹事である関西大学IIGE( Institute for Innovative Global Education / グローバル教育イノベーション推進機構)により提供いたします。
This project proposes a COIL program to be jointly owned and implemented by Japan Virtual Campus and multiple universities that support and participate, rather than the standard COIL courses that are co-taught for a certain period of time at domestic and overseas institutions.
Module subjects in the fields of "SDGs in Business," "Diversity & Inclusion," and "21st Century Skills" will be established as "J-MCP subjects," and syllabi (lecture themes and lesson plans), educational materials, and the online platform necessary for virtual implementation (hereinafter referred to as "CMS/Course Management System") will be provided by IIGE, the organizer of this project.
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本プロジェクトでは、 IIGE(関西大学)が従来行ってきた COIL教員のための Professional Development( P D)活動や、COIL/VEの数々の事例から得た知見の共有の実績を生かし、 J-MCP講師層へのトレーニング提供を行います 。研修プログラムを修了した者は、本 プロジェクトで活用する「 デジタル証明システム (デジタルバッジ )」により、資格証明を得ることができます。このように、 教員の能力開発 としての役目も担うものとして研修コンテンツも構築されています 。
本プロジェクトを社会人層のターゲットを取り込む枠組みに強化することは、 産学連携の強みを生かした「求められる人材資質の育成」を担うべき大学機関の役割を向上することにもつながります。
In this project, IIGE will provide training for J-MCP instructors utilizing pre-established professional development activities for COIL instructors in addition to sharing sharing knowledge and first-hand experience gained from numerous COIL/VE cases. Those who successfully complete the training program will obtain certification through the digital certification system (digital badge) used in this project. Training content will be developed with instructor development in mind.
Strengthening this project into a framework that incorporates the target audience of working adults will also enhance the role of institutions, which should be responsible for "fostering the qualities of human resources required" by taking advantage of the strengths of industry-university collaboration.
Who are the students?
Students from partnering institutions
can register and participate
Who are the instructors?
参加大学から選出された教員がCOIL/VE の
メインファシリテーター(MF) を担当
Selected lecturers from participating member universities will serve as COIL/VE Main Facilitators (MF) of COIL/VE
Who provides the curriculum?
関西大学IIGEがCOIL/VE 科目シラバスと
IIGE (Kansai University) provides COIL/VE course syllabus and and core resources
Training for MF candidates as Virtual Exchange Main Facilitators > Certification issued
「3 つの機能追加で、COIL/VE 専用コース管理システム(CMS) を
CMS として採用するプラットフォーム「ImmerseU」は、現在の主たる機能は海外と国内大学が行うCOIL 活動に特化しています。通常、COIL 科目担当教員はそれぞれが参加学生の総合評価を各自で行います。つまり、従来COIL は学期中に提供する科目の「一部分」としての扱いであり、成績評価に関する機能や、学習者の行動分析(Learning Analytics) の機能提供は優先度の高い需要ではありませんでした。
J-MCP では、受講者が多様な大学機関から履修し、相互間で運営する科目であるため、それぞれの履修者の学習履歴をより明確に記録しデータ化することが必要となります。また、本プロジェクトの提供するJ-MCP 科目を履修したことで、どういった能力・知見を修得したのかより可視化できるよう、証明書ツールとして「デジタルバッジ」を採用しています。このデジタルバッジとImmerseU を紐付けることで、より効率良く受講者の評価を進めることが可能となります。
"The COIL/VE dedicated course management system (CMS) has been upgraded with three new features to illustrate the quality of learning."
The current main function of ImmerseU, which will be adopted as the CMS, is dedicated to COIL activities conducted by foreign and domestic universities. Normally, individual instructors in charge of COIL courses are responsible for tracking overall evaluation of the participating students. In other words, in the past, COIL was integrated into pre-existing courses, and the demand for functions related to grading and learning analytics was not a high priority.
In the case of J-MCP, students take courses from various institutions, and the courses are managed interchangeably. Therefore, it is necessary to record the learning history of each student more explicitly and convert it into data. In addition, we will adopt a "digital badge" as a certification tool to verify what competencies students have acquired by taking J-MCP courses. By linking these digital badges with ImmerseU, we will be able to evaluate participants more efficiently.
Rubric Creation Function
研修も提供(i-BAVI 協力)
BEVI introduction
Learning Analyticsデータ抽出機能を追加
Learning Analytics Data Extraction
Learning Analytics 可視化機能を搭載し、受講者のパフォーマンスを常時把握
Digital Badge (Certificate) Linkage
Digital credentialing への対応
Groupwork hours
Self-learning hours
Lecture hours
Performed competency

最大年間1000 アカウント、
Up to 1000 accounts /yr
for students and teachers free
Available in all regions of Japan. Japanese interface support available

Application Process
Program applications are handled on alternating timelines on a university-to-university basis.
Individual student applications will NOT be processed for 21st Century Skills.
The application form will be sent directly to eligible institutions.
It can also be downloaded via the link below.
It can