IIGE Professional Development Series 2022
Building Global Resilience with I.D.E.A.
(Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access)
About the Seminar / Workshop Series
The objective of fostering the ability to communicate and cultivate values and ways of thinking as global citizens, the most fundamental aspect of international education, is about to take on an even more important position.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, and with everyone under the stress of external factors such as reduced economic activity and self-restraint, the past few years have seen the emergence of xenophobia, the exclusion or avoidance of different cultures and segments of the population with different backgrounds, and the attempt to protect their own people and communities by excluding them. Actions toward DEI, for example, to improve the gender gap, have been reported that it has further widened the gap due to the pandemic impact.
Those in the higher education sector must not forget once again the importance of implementing DEI and the need to nurture the younger generation who will be responsible for the future recovery so that diversity is firmly embedded in their thought processes. It is precisely because we are in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, and looking ahead to a post-COVID-19 society, that the mission of the international education field is extremely important.
The theme of the 2022 IIGE series is “Building Global Resilience.” We aim to nurture global human resources who can make their own decisions about what is important and what is not, and who are able to make their own decisions about what to do, rather than letting the flow of events take over them. The sub-theme is I.D.E.A. (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access). It includes a series of professional development programs that will include content that contributes to digital-based international education, with intention to expand access and international education to a wider and more traditionally underserved audience, as well as the three I.D.E. concepts.
IIGE will facilitate a timely and important dialogue on next-generation international education, featuring a combination of interactive workshops and webinars. Leading international education leaders from around the world will engage participants in forward-looking discussions of emerging technologies, modalities, and pedagogies for advancing next generation learning and engagement.
パンデミックの打撃を受け、経済活動の低下や自粛などといった外的な要因のストレスを皆が抱える中、この数年の間に、異文化や異なる背景を持つ層を排除したり回避したりするゼノフォビア(xenophobia)や、排除することで自国民やコミュニティを守ろうとするジンゴイズム(jingoism) といった社会的心理を反映するような行動が世界のさまざまな場所で起こってしまっています。
2022年度のIIGEウェビナーシリーズは、そのテーマを「Building Global Resilience」としました。あらゆる困難においても、何か重要であるか、その軸がぶれない、そして流れに任せるのではなく自分自身で行動の判断基準を持つことができるグローバル人材育成を目指し、COIL/VEをはじめとしたオンライン型国際教育(Online International Education)の創出に資するコンテンツを盛り込んだ Professional Development シリーズとしてまいります。サブテーマは、I.D.E.A. (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access)です。I.D.E.の3つの概念はもちろん、デジタルを活用した国際教育であることから、Access、より幅広くそして従来享受できなかった層にも国際教育を広げることも、IIGEにとっては大変重要なテーマとなっています。
※Event times and dates are listed in Japan Standard Time (JST). Please check the time difference with your location before registering.
Please also note that Kansai University IIGE does not provide certificates or proof of participation for webinars.
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