About our Partners
東京を拠点とするETS Japanは、米国ニュージャージー州プリンストンに本社を置くETSの子会社です。ETSの日本部門として、ETSの教育や学習に関する幅広い知見を、テストの受験者や学習者に提供します。また、ETS Japanは、TOEFL ITP®︎テスト、TOEFL Practice Online®︎(TPO®︎)およびCriterion®︎サービスの日本のカントリーマスターディストリビューターであり、日本においてTOEFL iBT®︎テスト(TOEFL iBT®︎ Home Editionを含む)および新規テストであるTOEFL®︎ Essentials™️テストのアウトリーチサービスを提供しています。TOEFL®テストの情報はサイトマップからご覧ください。
Tokyo-based ETS Japan is a subsidiary of ETS, headquartered in Princeton, NJ, U.S.A. As the Japan arm of ETS, ETS Japan provides test takers and learners with access to ETS' extensive knowledge about education and learning. ETS Japan is also the Country Master Distributor in Japan for the TOEFL ITP®︎ test, TOEFL Practice Online®︎ (TPO®︎) and Criterion®︎ services, and the distributor of the TOEFL iBT®︎ test (TOEFL iBT®︎ The company provides outreach services for the TOEFL®︎ Essentials™️ test (including Home Edition) and the new TOEFL®︎ Essentials™️ test. Please visit our site map for information on the TOEFL® test.
JAFSA is an association comprised of universities, individuals, and other entities including private firms as supporting members interested in facilitating the internationalization of education in Japan and around the world.
JAFSA serves its members by providing the support and advocacy necessary for its members, and other similar public and private institutions in Japan, and by making efforts to attain JAFSA’s mission of enhancing excellence in international education in Japan.
JAFSA also organizes fora for discussion of contemporary international education exchange issues; to provide training sessions and professional development opportunities; to provide models for best practices and services; to provide networking opportunities; to provide opportunities for collecting and disseminating timely international education exchange information; to initiate surveys and research activities; and to represent the views of its members in support of the internationalization of education in Japan and around the world.
Through a combination of strategy, expertise and innovation, Gateway International Group seeks to accelerate international learning and engagement by assisting institutions and organizations around the world to succeed in a new era of higher education.
Across three interrelated divisions, Gateway International Group offers consulting services, programming support and informative resources to higher education institutions and organizations around the world. By embracing diverse perspectives, encouraging new ideas and challenging the status quo, Gateway provides institutions with a trusted and steadied hand in navigating the next generation of international education.