About the Series
Series Format
The series will be delivered virtually and as noted, will be delivered in English and/or Japanese. All webinars are free and open to the public. Some seminars and workshops are limited to members of the JPN-COIL Association, IIGE COIL Partner Institutions, and IIGE Membership Agreement Institutions. *All the institutions eligible to apply for limited events are listed below. Advanced registration is required of all events.
For more information on becoming a part of the IIGE global network:
To join, please contact the IIGE Secretariat at iige@ml.kandai.jp
本シリーズはオンラインで行われ、日英両語、英語のみまたは日本語のみで行われます。すべてのウェビナーは無料で一般公開で開催されますが、セミナーとワークショップはJPN-COIL協議会、IIGE COILパートナー大学、IIGE Membership Agreement 機関に所属の方々に限ります。全イベントにおいて、事前のお申し込みが必要です。
問い合わせ iige@ml.kandai.jp
JPN-COIL Association Members
JPN-COIL Association Members
IIGE COIL Partner Institutions
Northern Arizona University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
University of Hawaiʻi - Kapiʻolani Community College
Northern Illinois University
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Fashion Institute of Technology, New York
The University at Albany, State University of New York
Clemson University
James Madison University
Michigan State University
Cheng Shiu University
Panyapiwat Institute of Management
DePaul University
Western Washington University
Nangyang Polytechnic
IIGE Membership Agreement Institutions
Morgan State University
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
San Pedro College
Portland State University
Eastern Oregon University
Language Institute, Chiang Mai University
North Carolina State University
Marison Marcos State University
Medicine Hat College
Western Norway University of Applied
Bridgewater State University
Instituto Tecnologico de santo Domingo -INTEC